I wouldn’t say I’m an avid screen shot taker, but I like to document the occasional game event. I did a lot more when I was leading raids and working on my WoW guild’s website, but the WoW days are over. Still, I have nostalgia and pictures gathering dust, so I think I’ll post a few here and there. And I fully expect to have a lot of fun with screen shots when Star Wars: The Old Republic comes out.
Many Mammoths Died to bring our guild an achievement we needed for raiding. Sadly, we didn’t get much use out of it in the end, but it was a memory I’ll both cherish and cringe over.
I love scuba diving, so the underwater zone that was released with Cataclysm enchanted me. The zone gets a lot of hate, but I consider it a work of art and love all of the little details that went into building it. Anyone who dives can appreciate the motion, color, and denizens all the more.
This was one of my favorite death shots. Considering the boss did toss my character up there, you could almost imagine it was on purpose and not a glitch.