Today marked another milestone in human kinds drive to explore and understand our solar system when a space craft we launched in 2006 finally reached its destination and turned blurry and vague images of Pluto into amazingly clear images. Check out the NASA New Horizons website for more info. It absolutely delights me to watch this latest achievement from NASA and realize how much information they shared about it, live, with amazing pictures, commentary, and reactions. I couldn’t be a science and gaming nerd without taking time to celebrate this amazing accomplishment.
I have also enjoyed seeing other gamers’ reactions. Many of us are SciFi fans and seeing science reality take place before our eyes has delighted many of the people I follow on Twitter. One of my favorite celebrations/acknowledgements of the event came from one of my favorite game companies, BioWare. This interaction between a couple of their Twitter accounts is a perfect example of why I enjoy them and the games they make so much.