by GamerLady | Oct 26, 2012 | gaming, MMO
Many people have written posts about their perfect game. I’m not going to try and write up all the features in my perfect game, but I am going to start sewing a few pieces together into my MMO Monster. Tis the season for making horrific creatures after all. As...
by GamerLady | Sep 28, 2012 | gaming, MMO, Star Wars The Old Republic, SWTOR
I love thought-provoking talks via Twitter. They make me want to write and they help me put my thoughts in order about things percolating in my mind. Today’s brain brew is all about game hype, game expectations, why we love some games but don’t love their...
by GamerLady | Sep 18, 2012 | favorite TV shows, gaming, guilds, MMO, science fiction, Star Wars The Old Republic, SWTOR
Change, oh how we loathe it sometimes. I’m writing this to say farewell to the glory days of SWTOR’s endless servers and the concept I had of how my legacies and character concepts would work, and to grumble about it. In the early days of long queues and...
by GamerLady | Aug 29, 2012 | about me, gaming, guilds, MMO
I’ve come to a realization recently that I am an old-fashioned gamer. Not the tasty cocktail or ice-cream sundae kind of Old-Fashioned either, but the stodgy get-these-kids-off-my-lawn kind. I’ve been watching people game-hop and finding myself annoyed at those pesky...
by GamerLady | Aug 15, 2012 | MMO, Star Wars The Old Republic, SWTOR
I hope to update this over the next few days to share a few of the goodies from doing the latest Star Wars: The Old Republic’s live event. For now, I had to share a picture of my good fortune from yesterday’s kick off day. I’m not sure how often...