It Is The Little Things That Count

I took advantage of the chance to try out The Secret World MMO during its free weekend event. While I hadn’t intended to post anything about my trial, I really don’t feel I had enough time to give it a fair chance, I did come away with some general...

Non Gaming Related Tribute

I don’t have kids and at this stage in life the chances are pretty slim. One thing I do regret is not seeing my husband be a dad. He is pretty cute with my nieces and nephews and tends to be one of those favorite uncles. My parents have both passed away and...

NBI Wrap Up – So Many Shiny New Blogs

I am really impressed by how many people took the leap and decided to start new blogs during this month. Bravo! I’m also impressed with the breadth and quality of the advice posts and encouragement from sponsor sites. I hope those veterans and the new guys like...