by gamerladyp | Aug 27, 2023 | Blaugust, blogging, gaming
I’ve been thinking about what makes me finish games, what makes me play them again, and what makes me leave them to gather dust. I used to feel compelled to at least finish a game I’d started, finish reading a book to the end, or clean my plate. I’d...
by gamerladyp | Aug 24, 2023 | Blaugust, blogging, writing
Here we are in the week of Blaugust dedicated to motivation, and I have put off writing anything for 5 days. The irony is not lost on me. I hope I’ll still get in a second post this week, but just sitting down to write this one has only happened because it is...
by gamerladyp | Aug 16, 2023 | Blaugust, blogging, gaming, guilds, MMO
I want to show some appreciation this week to the glue that has held my MMO experience together. Game communities and guilds are the reason I’ve kept playing MMOs. Group content and raiding have held my interest in some games well beyond the point where the...
by gamerladyp | Aug 14, 2023 | BioWare, Blaugust, SWTOR
Week 3 of Blaugust is creative appreciation week. There are so many ways to define who and what to appreciate during a week like this one, and yet it is one of the hardest weeks for many of us to do. Who do we shine the spotlight on? Is it fellow bloggers, game...
by gamerladyp | Aug 11, 2023 | BioWare, Blaugust, blogging, gaming
I am not ashamed to admit that a good book, show, or game can make me absolutely bawl. In fact, I LOVE that they can make such a profound emotional connection with me. When I first read Guy Gavriel Kay’s final book of the Fionavar Tapestry series, the Darkest...
by gamerladyp | Aug 7, 2023 | about me, Blaugust, blogging
Welcome to week 2 of Blaugust 2023. So far I am on track for my goal this year, which is to post at least twice a week during the festival. I’ve also managed to read and comment on several posts for our other participants. As of this morning’s update from...