my games, books I love, and how I fill my free time
A Beta Without Friends Wouldn’t Be The Same
I came to a strange realization today. I don't want to beta test Star Wars: The Old Republic. I want to play the game and can't wait to download my pre-order, but I want to play it with my husband and my friends. I know some people who are in beta testing, and they...
Companions and MMOs
My Next Great Adventure (who needs a life?) Like many others I know, my household has purchased two pre-order copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I really hope their "holiday 2011" release window is them playing a Scotty from Star Trek, and under-promising with the...
New author experimentation
The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi I saw this book on the new books shelf at my local library and since I was ready to try a brand new author, I read the inside cover. What grabbed my attention and made me check the book out was the comment that the book includes...
Romancing the Pixels
I've been playing Dragon Age: Origins and this time deliberately working on the romance angle. I've never been all that interested in pursuing it in roleplay games, but with it being part of the companion experience in the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic, I...
Do You Ever Walk Away From A Book?
I've been reading David Drake's Daniel Leary series over the past couple of months. There are several books in the series, but I realized that it is taking me longer to finish than is usual for me. I even read a couple of other books in between these, and gobbled them...
All About the Snappy Rejoinder
I've been thinking about my book collection lately and the books that I'm willing to re-read. Most of them have a lot of sarcasm and gentle ribbing between the main characters. One of the early series of books I picked up, and read many times, was David Edding's...
To Rift or Not To Rift…
It finally happened. I logged in to Rift and I had no desire to do anything, even daily quests. I started thinking about emptying my character's mailboxes, the same thing I did when I was ready to mothball my WoW account. I still have the possibility of doing some...
Memorable quotes
I'm going to start building a list of some favorite quotes, this will take a while. SWTOR favorite line so far: "Is that a hair style or did a womp rat die on your head?" From Babylon 5, Vir Cotto to Mr. Morden: "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they...
Screen Shots
I wouldn't say I'm an avid screen shot taker, but I like to document the occasional game event. I did a lot more when I was leading raids and working on my WoW guild's website, but the WoW days are over. Still, I have nostalgia and pictures gathering dust, so I think...
Putting yourself “out there”
I'll admit, I have held off on blogging for a long time. I usually have a lot to say, but rarely think it will be interesting enough to other people that they would read it. But my work is getting more heavily involved with all things social media, so here I am. If I...