Let’s Get Started – It Begins With Intent
I have to thank Belghast of Tales of the Aggronaut for once again organizing the Blaugust event this year. He has been herding we blogging cats for many years now and I’m glad he’s willing to stick with it. I love the new achievement badges and I’m happy to share my first two. I’ll add to this post as we get closer to the official start and as I reach new milestones.
In the past few years I’ve help share info about Blaugust, but didn’t participate. This year I’ve actually signed up so I’m committed.
Joining the Cause
Krikket from Nerd Girl Thoughts made a few ribbons for this year too. I earned the Tried Something Scary! achievement with my introduction post in week 2. I think anyone who participated this year would earn the Learned Something New About Myself achievement because creation is a learning process.
I’m proud of my Silver award for 17 posts during the month. The Rainbow dice was really pretty, but maybe next year…